After local middle school teacher Susan Holt lost her fifteen-year-old daughter on January 2016 Grace to depression through suicide, Run With Grace was incepted.

Grace was a good student, a successful athlete and seemed to be a happy teenager with many friends, all while battling depression. The community took Grace’s death very hard. Grace had so much going for her. Many came to realize that depression and suicide does not have boundaries. This tragedy inspired us to hold an event in memory of Grace… RUN WITH GRACE 5K.
RWG is held at the Rogue Valley Country Club. All proceeds from RWG go to the Grace & Kindness non profit which uses the proceeds to help local students go to camps, enrichment programs and activities. To be considered students must have a financial need and be a kind person. It is our belief that getting kids involved in healthy activities that they feel a part of is helpful in a child’s mental well-being. We are also committed to raise awareness of depression and suicide as it has become an increasing epidemic among our youth. With the rapid increase in teenage suicide, we have decided to add an education component to our mission. “Connections” are clubs at middle schools in the Rogue Valley. They focus on helping youth with coping skills, connecting them to people that will help improve their mental health as well as exploring healthy interests. Run With Grace has averaged 400 runners/walkers and provides approximately 20 scholarships annually. We have over 50 sponsors that support our mission.